VNC(Desktop) Setup on Centos

Hi everyone. Now I show How to setup VNC desktop on Centos. This method my special technique.  

1. we check new updates and setup open ssh and login and you enter that code
sudo yum -v check-update
now we check new updates, now try to setup this updates
yum -y update
when finish updates, we will continue...

2. Now we start to setup vnc desktop
yum -y install kde* vnc* nano
Now if you want use your desktop with GNOME use this code after vnc setups
yum -y groupinstall "GNOME Desktop Environment"
My choose is KDE so I am not install GNOME sension after installing we set password for login vnc desktop write this code on ssh
Now you see this screen
Password: Verify: xauth: creating new authority file /root/.Xauthority
you set password 2 times on this screen. and now we must edit some files
nano /root/.vnc/xstartup
Now you delete all codes in ssh screen and enter this codes

xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid gray
vncconfig -nowin &
exec /usr/bin/autocutsel &
/usr/bin/rxvt -T "`whoami`@`hostname`" -e bash -l &
startkde &
xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid gray
vncconfig -nowin &
exec /usr/bin/autocutsel &
/usr/bin/rxvt -T "`whoami`@`hostname`" -e bash -l &
gnome-session &
3. Now reboot your server for start use VNC desktop. After reboot you enter this code on ssh
when enter this code on ssh you see this code
New ' (root)' desktop is
This is your login ID's.

For example:
if you use domain your login ID "".
if you use IP adress your login ID "".

Now you Download REAL VNC VIEVER on google and use your login ID and pass with login your server Desktop.

Good Luck. My next lesson = How to setup WINe(Virtual Windows) on Centos?


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